A Message from the President

The year 2025 is the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society! I am very proud of all we have accomplished over the last 25 years and the steps we are taking to make sure we will have a successful 25 more years.
In honor of this milestone, we are collecting the stories of our founding members and immigrant members from our regions. These stories will be used for an event later in the year. Also to celebrate our anniversary, we are creating a digital archive which will be accessible via our new webpage later this year.
In addition, we will be attempting to have two yearly events that highlight a unique element of Abruzzo or Molise. Our first regional event will be by past president Maria D’Andrea on the Transumanza/Tratturi. This event is not only a unique part of the patrimony of Abruzzo but also the last event before Maria relocates to Asheville, N.C. I would like to encourage everyone to make it to this event. We hope for this presentation to be one of our best attended events to send Maria off in a fitting celebration of our culture.
I would also like to welcome our two new board members, Natasha Rovo and Teresa Black. They have both already contributed much to the Society this year. In addition to serving on the board, Natasha is the chair of the publications, publicity, web site, & social media committee, and Teresa is the chair of the programs & hospitality committee. In addition, immediate past president Raymond LaVerghetta is the chair of the scholarship and fundraising subcommittees.
We have several happy hours, a hike, online events, and a May general meeting to look forward to.
I hope everyone has had a great new year so far, and I look forward to seeing you all soon!
Chris Renneker
March/April 2025