Author Ronald G. Capalaces Will Address AMHS on WWII Era Memories
By Joseph “Sonny” Scafetta, Jr.

Credit: Courtesy of Ronald Capalaces
Ronald G. Capalaces will be the guest speaker for our luncheon on Sunday, July 14, 2024, at 1:30 p.m., in the Pines of Florence Italian Restaurant, 1990 M St., N.W., Washington. Mr. Capalaces is the author of “When All the Men Were Gone,” a memoir about his boyhood growing up on the home front during World War II.

Ron was born in Binghamton, New York. During World War II, Ron’s father was a U.S. army soldier fighting in North Africa. His father was killed in combat there in 1943, when Ron was eight years old. After graduating from the local high school, Ron attended Harper College in Binghamton, now a campus of the State University of New York (SUNY). He later married Marie with whom he has five daughters. Ron’s career involved producing TV and film productions for clients. Ron retired in 2000. He and his wife now reside in McLean, Virginia.
Ron will read three short chapters from his 252-page book about his boyhood for about a half hour. He will start by reading the prologue about the differences between the 1940s and the 2010s. He will next read a humorous chapter about an encounter between him, a live chicken, and his mother. He will conclude by reading a chapter about the day that he learned that his father had died. A question-and-answer period will follow. Copies of Ron’s book will be available for sale to interested attendees for $16 each. Amazon lists the book for sale online for $30. Ron will autograph your copy upon request, at no extra charge.
Seating is limited to 44. For information on reservations and menu selections, please click HERE.
June 2024