How To Vote
2024 BallotThe Nominating Committee is pleased to announce two candidates for the Board of Directors: Teresa Black and Natasha Rovo. These candidates shall assume office on January 1, 2025. Their terms of office are three years. (Submitted by the AMHS Nominating Committee: Rico Allegrino, Mark Lino, and Maria D’Andrea-Yothers).
NOTE: a ballot sent by those holding couple’s membership shall be counted as two (2) votes.
WRITE YOUR NAME(S) (if general, couple, member include both names):
___Teresa Black
___Natasha Rovo
___Other (print name of write-in candidate) ________________________________HOW AND TO WHOM TO RETURN YOUR VOTE
There are two options to return your vote:
Email all three members of the Nominating Committee by stating your support or opposition to the candidates. Be sure to include your name in the email. Click on each of the following links to create an email to each of the committee members:OR:
Return your completed ballot by printing this page, marking it, scanning it and attaching it to your email to all three members of the Nominating Committee.DEADLINE
Please submit your ballot no later than November 30, 2024
September/October 2024
The AMHS Nominating Committee (Mark Lino, Rico Allegrino, and Maria D’Andrea-Yothers) are pleased to introduce two candidates for the Board: Teresa Black and Natasha Rovo. If elected, Teresa and Natasha will serve three years, with their term starting on January 1, 2025. They will replace Mark Lino and Maria D’Andrea-Yothers. The four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) and the remainder of the Board of Directors are not up for election this year.
Please note that this is the first election conducted under the new rules as set forth in Article VI of the revised bylaws. Voting will be by email only. There will be no vote taken at the November 17 general meeting. Please see the instructions below on how to cast your ballot.
We are still looking for a candidate for Treasurer, as Peter Bell has far exceeded his term(s) in the position! If interested, email Maria D’Andrea-Yothers, mardand62@gmail.com.Before reading more about the candidates and how to cast your vote, we would be remiss without acknowledging Nancy DeSanti, who will be stepping down as the Vice President-Programs at the end of this year – a position she has held for ELEVEN YEARS! We owe Nancy our gratitude for bringing us interesting programs that crossed literature, art, design, and cuisine. We trust Nancy will stay engaged with the Society to support the Program Committee moving forward. Mille Grazie Nancy!
Teresa Floria Black
II was born and raised in the DMV area. I have always been passionate about my Italian heritage and community. My family immigrated to America from Vicari, Sicily in 1898. The family lived and worked on Longfellow Street in DC and worshiped at Holy Rosary. I grew up in Upper Marlboro, MD, have lived in Virginia for 19 years, and worked with the Federal Government for 20 years as a Knowledge Manager and Information Specialist. I have achieved many milestones in my career and am proud of my contributions to the Joint Staff portal and the development of specialized tools to enable leadership to get accurate information at the speed of relevancy. In my free time, I enjoy Bocce, art, reading, exercising, and spending time with family and friends. I’m a firm believer in helping others, connecting with the community, and human rights, and I strive to make a positive impact in everything I do.
Natasha Rovo
My name is Natasha Rovo, and I am honored to apply for a board position with the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society, a community I hold dear to my heart.
Born and raised in L’Aquila, Abruzzo, I have always carried my region in my heart. This deep connection has remained with me throughout the years I lived in Rome during my university studies, and later in Washington, DC, where I moved in 2018 to work as an Economist at the World Bank. Every year, I return to L’Aquila to visit my family. Every year, I return home. My family’s roots in Abruzzo have instilled in me a profound appreciation for our heritage, including unique traditions, culinary delights, architecture and art, beautiful landscapes, and the forte e gentile spirit of our people.
Though I have been a member of the AMHS for only a short time, attending a few events and meeting some members have fostered in me an immense respect for this precious initiative. I was touched by the stories that few members shared with me about the time when they left their village to move to the United States, about their life away from home, about their love for Italy which will never fade away. I was moved by how they instilled the same love in their sons and daughters. These experiences and stories have deepened my connection to this community and its mission, and I would be honored to play a more active role in preserving and promoting the heritage of Abruzzo and Molise.
I bring a strong desire to contribute my energy and enthusiasm to the society’s future endeavors. My background in economics and policy dialogue equips me with the skills necessary to contribute effectively to the board’s initiatives. My passion for history and art makes me particularly interested in activities aimed at promoting the socio-cultural heritage of our regions, creating synergies with AMHS and various activities in Abruzzo, and further enlarging and strengthening our community.
I am eager to collaborate with fellow board members to further the society’s mission. As a board member, I am committed to preserving the legacy of AMHS, ensuring that other people and future generations continue to cherish and celebrate our heritage. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute my skills, passion, and dedication to the AMHS.DEADLINE
Please submit your ballot no later than November 30, 2024
September/October 2024
Revised AMHS Bylaws Approved at September General Meeting
On September 22, 2024, AMHS members in attendance at the Society’s general meeting approved a comprehensive set of changes to the organization’s bylaws, including one amendment made from the floor that the chairperson of the committee that includes responsibility for membership must be a member of the Executive Committee. This change was approved by the members. The proposed changes were published in the July/August Notiziario, (click here), and further revisions were emailed to each member by the Second Vice President on August 23, 2024.
Below are the new bylaws of the AMHS.
ARTICLE I – Objectives
The objectives of the Grant and Scholarship Fund, Inc. of the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area dba as The Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area (“Society”), are to promote the cultural, social, and educational heritage of the Italian regions of Abruzzo and Molise and of Italy in general. The Society also endeavors to increase the awareness of the contributions in the fields of the arts and sciences made by Italians and Italian Americans, especially those having roots in the regions of Abruzzo and Molise.
ARTICLE II – Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
Membership shall be open to natives of the two regions, their descendants, anyone who is a friend of the regions, and anyone who is interested in and supports the Society’s stated objectives.Section 2: Classes of Membership
There are five (5) classes of membership: Regular, Associate, Student, Honorary, and Guest. It shall be the responsibility of the Vice President to review membership applications in accordance with the criteria for each class of membership.a. Regular Member: a member who resides inside a fifty (50) mile radius from Washington, DC. He/she may hold office, vote, and participate in all activities sponsored by the Society and has all the privileges of full membership. b. Associate Member: a member who resides outside a fifty (50) mile radius from Washington, DC. An Associate Member has all the privileges of a Regular Member except for holding office and serving as a committee chairperson. An Associate Member shall be entitled to reduced membership dues, as determined by the Executive Committee. An Associate Member may apply for Regular membership if he/she moves within a fifty (50) mile radius of Washington, DC. c. Student Member: a member who is enrolled as a full-time student in a school or institution of higher education. A Student Member has all the privileges of Regular membership. He/she shall be entitled to reduced membership dues, as determined by the Executive Committee. d. Honorary Member: a person who has made an outstanding contribution to promote the objectives of the Society. This designation shall be conferred by majority vote of the Executive Committee. An Honorary Member is not subject to membership dues, but shall be granted all privileges of Regular membership, except for voting and holding office. An Honorary Member may apply for Regular membership if he/she resides within a fifty (50) mile radius of Washington, DC, or for Associate membership if he/she resides outside a fifty (50) mile radius of Washington, DC. e. Guest Member: a person who has made an outstanding contribution to promote the objectives of the Society. This designation shall be conferred by majority vote of the Executive Committee. A Guest Member shall be entitled to one year of free membership dues. A Guest Member has all the privileges of Regular membership, except for voting, serving as a committee chairperson, and holding office. A Guest Member may apply for Regular membership if he/she resides within a fifty (50) mile radius of Washington, DC, or for Associate membership if he/she resides outside a fifty (50) mile radius of Washington, DC.
The Executive Committee shall have the authority to change the annual dues. The annual membership period is for one calendar year from when a member joins. Annual dues must be paid no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice for current dues. Any member whose dues are unpaid thirty (30) days after the expiration date shall receive a delinquency notice from the Vice President. If payment of the dues or a letter of explanation has not been received by the Vice President within thirty (30) days of the mailing of the delinquency notice, the membership of the delinquent member shall be terminated effective on the date of notification. Members who are current in the payment of their dues are in good standing.
ARTICLE IV – Expulsion/Resignation
The Executive Committee, for good cause and upon proper investigation and review, may expel a member. Upon receiving a notice of expulsion from the Secretary, the accused member may appeal the decision of the Executive Committee to all members at the next general membership meeting by replying to the Secretary’s notice. At the next general membership meeting, the Secretary shall present the reasons for the expulsion and the accused member may rebut the reasons therefor. The members shall then vote to either affirm or reverse the notice of expulsion. The vote of a majority will be final. The person shall cease to be a member if a majority of the members vote to affirm the notice of expulsion. A member resigning from the Executive Committee must give thirty (30) days notice to the President.
ARTICLE V – Officers
The officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Besides the officers, the Executive Committee shall comprise the Board of Directors, which includes six (6) elected members. The Executive Committee also includes two (2) ex-officio members (the President Emeritus and the Immediate Past President). The term of office, except for the Board of Directors, shall be for a period of two years. Terms of office for the Board of Directors are described in Article VII, Section 5. Any officer or director who is absent from three consecutive Executive Committee meetings, without just cause, will be considered inactive in his/her post, and may be asked to resign his/her position. Whether an absence is without just cause will be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Committee members present at the meeting from which the member is absent.
ARTICLE VI – Election of Officers & Directors
Section 1: Nominating Committee
In June of each election year, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of at least one (1) member to recommend a slate of candidates for positions of officers and directors for the ensuing terms of office. The Nominating Committee member(s) must have been in good standing for at least two (2) years.Section 2: Notice of Elections
Notice of elections shall be given electronically to all members, together with the slate of candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee, at the beginning of November, but no later than thirty (30) days before the final date for submitting votes. All candidates must agree to serve.Section 3: Elections
Elections of officers and directors shall take place in the month of November. Members must submit their votes electronically to the Nominating Committee within thirty (30) days after receiving the notice of elections. Members may vote for other members not proposed by the Nominating Committee, contingent upon the consent of the other members. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for counting the votes. The candidate for each office receiving the most votes shall be declared elected to that office for the ensuing term. The elected candidates shall assume office on the following January 1st and be installed at the first general membership meeting of each year.ARTICLE VII – Duties of Officers & Directors
Section 1: President
The President shall preside over the general membership and Executive Committee meetings. Although the President presides at these meetings, he/she votes only to break ties. The President shall enforce the by-laws and ensure that the Society is pursuing appropriate programs and activities consistent with its objectives. The President shall establish any committee he/she deems appropriate, and appoint its chairperson. The President has the privilege to be a non-voting member of any committee. The President will be the principal delegate to any committee or organization with which the Society is affiliated, or he/she may appoint a representative in his/her place. In the event an elected office becomes vacant, the President may appoint a qualified member as a replacement to serve the remaining term of that office.Section 2: Vice President
The Vice President shall perform such duties as the President shall direct. He/she will become Acting President in the absence of the President for any reason. In case of the resignation or death of the President, the Vice President shall become President for the President’s remaining term of office; in the event the Vice President is unable or unwilling to assume the presidency, the Immediate Past President shall fill the unexpired term.Section 3: Secretary
The Secretary shall record the minutes of any official action taken at general membership meetings, Executive Committee meetings, and other meetings, as directed by the President. He/she will prepare and send out notices of such meetings. The minutes of the Executive Committee meetings shall be available for inspection at the request of a member. He/she shall coordinate, review, and prepare responses to any general correspondence.Section 4: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive all the incoming funds and deposit the same in the accounts; provide necessary signatures for outgoing disbursements from said accounts; and maintain all financial records. The Treasurer shall report at Executive Committee meetings on the expenses incurred and the revenues received during the preceding reporting period. At the end of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall present the financial records to the Executive Committee for review and/or audit. The Treasurer shall also prepare and submit any forms or documents required by the Internal Revenue Service, or for any other official fiscal purposes. The Treasurer shall also maintain the legal documents.Section 5: Board of Directors
a. The Board of Directors shares the responsibility of managing resources, and providing overall guidance and advice by virtue of its seat on the Executive Committee.
b. The Board of Directors shall consist of six (6) members. The Board shall be divided into three (3) groups of two (2) members serving staggered terms. Each group shall be elected for three (3) years. The group serving its last year in office shall retire at the end of the year. Each year a new group of two (2) shall be elected to replace the retiring Directors. No elected Director may serve simultaneously in any officer position.ARTICLE VIII – Committees
Section 1: Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, the Board of Directors, the President Emeritus, and the Immediate Past President. Officers include the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President shall be the chairperson of the Executive Committee. The President, at his or her discretion, may invite any member to any Executive Committee meeting as a non-voting participant. The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility for the management of resources. It shall plan and schedule activities and coordinate the same with standing committees and other entities, as needed. The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly each year. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be taken by the Secretary and made available at the following Executive Committee meeting.Section 2: Standing Committees
a. The President of the Society shall appoint the Chairpersons of Standing Committees.
b. The Standing Committees are:- Programs & Hospitality;
- Membership, Scholarship, Fundraising, Budget, & Finance; and
- Publications, Publicity, Web Site, & Social Media.
c. The President may establish any committee necessary to conduct activities. The Standing Committee Chairpersons, or his/her representative, shall report their activities at Executive Committee meetings.
ARTICLE IX – Function of Committees
Section 1: Programs & Hospitality Committee
a. It shall be the responsibility of the Programs & Hospitality Committee to prepare and present to the Executive Committee proposals for activities and programs and the plans for their accomplishment. This Committee also shall, with the cooperation of other Standing Committees, identify subjects of interest suitable for discussions and presentation at general membership meetings.
b. It shall also be the responsibility of the Programs & Hospitality Committee to provide refreshments and food at each general membership meeting. It shall have the authority to spend funds for needed refreshments, food, materials, and supplies within the budget limit specified by the Executive Committee. The Programs & Hospitality Committee shall also assist in welcoming new members.Section 2: Membership, Scholarship, Fundraising, Budget, & Finance Committee
a. The Chairperson of this Committee must be a member of the Executive Committee. It shall be the primary responsibility of the Committee to receive membership applications within the guidelines set forth in Article II. The Committee shall maintain a current membership database to include all pertinent information on each member. The Committee shall make available, periodically, the updated membership roster to members of the Executive Committee; however, the information therein is not to be used for commercial or personal gains and is not to be made available to nonmembers. The Committee shall, with the cooperation of the President and the Executive Committee, develop and implement a plan for the promotion of membership. Each year the Committee shall, in cooperation with the Treasurer, send out payment notices for dues to each member, and delinquency notices, when necessary.
b. It shall be the secondary responsibility of the Committee to:
1) monitor monies contributed to the Scholarship Fund;
2) ensure the broad dissemination of information about the scholarship program among colleges and universities;
3) take measures to encourage eligible dependents of members to apply for the scholarships; and
4) ensure that scholarship recipients adhere to the conditions associated with the scholarship award.
The Committee shall suggest to the Executive Committee, based on the availability of funds, the number of scholarships to be awarded annually.
c. It shall be the tertiary responsibility of the Committee to develop and execute a plan to raise funds for the scholarships, the AMHS Grant and Scholarship Fund (AMHS GASF), and other activities considered appropriate by the Executive Committee.
d. It shall also be the responsibility of the Committee to serve as the overseer of all matters pertaining to finances. The Committee will draft the annual budget at the beginning of each operating year and will submit it to the Executive Committee for review and approval. The Committee will conduct periodic reviews of the Society’s financial status during each operating year, when necessary, but at mid-year as a minimum, and report its findings to the Executive Committee. The Committee will draft policy for the management of the AMHS Grant and Scholarship Fund (AMHS GASF) and submit such policy to the Executive Committee for its review and approval. The Committee will perform the end-of-calendar year review and/or audit of the Treasurer’s financial records required by Article VII, Section 5, of the by-laws and report its findings to the Executive Committee.Section 3: Publications, Publicity, Web Site, & Social Media Committee
a. It shall be the primary responsibility of the Committee to procure and publish appropriate written and graphic material suitable in the monthly newsletter, the AMHS Notiziario, and to arrange for the distribution of the newsletter to each member. The Committee shall include the Editor of the newsletter.
b. It shall be the secondary responsibility of the Committee to maintain the website and whatever social media content the Executive Committee votes to support. The Committee shall be responsible for assuring the information presented on the website and social media posts accurately represent the mission, objectives, policies, and activities and that this content is updated regularly so that all information presented thereon is current. The Committee shall coordinate and cooperate closely with the officers to execute these responsibilities.ARTICLE X – Expenditure of Funds
Section 1: Disbursements
Funds shall be disbursed only upon presentation to the Treasurer of a written invoice from a responsible member, or from a contractor authorized to provide products or services. The Treasurer shall make all disbursements and deposits of funds and shall keep proper records of all transactions. Upon the absence or disability of the Treasurer, the President is authorized to act in place of the Treasurer.Section 2: Discretionary Authority
The President may approve any single expenditure of funds up to and including five hundred dollars ($500) without the approval of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee must approve any expenditure above five hundred dollars ($500).Section 3: Audit and Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be the calendar year. The financial records shall be presented by the Treasurer to the Executive Committee for review and/or audit at the end of each fiscal year.ARTICLE XI – Meetings
Section 1: Rules of Order
The Society shall endeavor to conduct all meetings in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.Section 2: Frequency of General Membership Meetings
The Society shall have general membership meetings. The Executive Committee shall determine the date for each meeting. Special meetings may be called by the President or by written request of ten percent (10%) of the Regular Members.Section 3: Quorum at General Membership Meetings
A quorum at any general membership meeting shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the Regular Members.Section 4: Social Events
Social events may be held in conjunction with general membership meetings or held separately and may be open to nonmembers. Nonmembers may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be charged a higher fee than members, should a fee be required.ARTICLE XII – Amendments
These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of all Regular, Associate, and Student Members voting electronically, provided, however, that a notice of a vote on the proposed amendment to the by-laws is given at least thirty (30) days prior to such a vote. A request for amendment proposals must be presented to the Executive Committee during any of its meetings or conveyed to the Executive Committee by three (3) Regular, Associate, and/or Student Members. The Executive Committee, after careful review of the proposed amendment and after its approval by majority vote, shall recommend the same for adoption by all Regular, Associate, and Student Members. A notice of the final adopted amendments shall be sent to all members. The Secretary will ensure that the adopted amendments are incorporated into these by-laws.
ARTICLE XIII – Indemnity
Section 1: Good Faith
An officer shall perform his/her duties in good faith and in a manner that he/she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the Society. To the fullest extent that the laws of Washington, DC, as now in effect or hereafter amended, permit elimination or limitation of the liability of officers, no officer shall be personally liable for monetary damages as such for any action taken or failure to take any action as an officer acting in good faith.Section 2: Inapplicability
The provisions of this section shall not apply to the responsibility or liability of an officer or of any other person who has acted at the request of the officer, pursuant to any criminal statute. The Society shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless any past or present officer and any other person who has acted in good faith or is acting on behalf and at the request of the Executive Committee from all claims and/or lawsuits arising out of the performance of the duties of such officer and such other person. The person against whom a claim is made or a lawsuit is filed shall notify the President as soon as possible. The Society shall have no obligation to defend or indemnify any person for intentional or willful misconduct, or gross negligence.ARTICLE XIV – Articles of Incorporation
The Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area, was incorporated in March 2001 under the provisions of the District of Columbia Non-Profit Corporation Act (D.C. Code, 1983 Edition, Title 29, Chapter 5) as a non-profit cultural, educational, and charitable organization. The Grant and Scholarship Fund, Inc., of the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area, was incorporated in March 2003 under these same provisions.
In June 2004, the Internal Revenue Service recognized the Grant and Scholarship Fund, Inc., of the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area, as a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and as a public charity under Sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code.
In 2014, the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area, donated its assets to the Grant and Scholarship Fund, Inc., of the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area, and ceased operations. In April 2014, the District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, Corporations Division, bestowed a Certificate of Trade Name Registration to the Grant and Scholarship Fund, Inc., of the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area, for the Trade Name: The Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area.
ARTICLE XV – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution, the Executive Committee shall, after paying and making provisions for the payment of all liabilities, distribute all the assets of the corporation to an organization, dedicated to charitable and/or educational purposes, that promotes the Italian language and culture, and which has been recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service.
These By-Laws, as amended and restated, were duly adopted by the Society’s General Members voting during a general membership meeting on September 22, 2024.
Attested to by: ________________________
Christopher J. Rennecker, President____________________________________ Joseph Scafetta Jr., Secretary
September/October 2024
Ferragosto 2024: A Resounding Success
By Maria D’Andrea-Yothers
AMHS family and friends enjoy Ferragosto 2024 at Fort Ward Park, Alexandria
Credit: Sam YothersOn Sunday, August 18, fifty-four (54) AMHS members, friends and family descended on Fort Ward Park in Alexandria, Va., for the Society’s annual Ferragosto picnic, which has been an AMHS tradition for more than 15 years.
All who attended were gratified that the weather cooperated as, leading up to the picnic date, there was a high probability of thunderstorms and high winds. Instead, the group enjoyed a dry and sunny day. There was an abundance of food that was shared, along with friendship and lots of laughter. There was even a game of pass the football with young and old!
This picnic was especially bittersweet for the author of this post, as it is the last picnic that she and her husband, Sam, will organize. On December 31, 2024, Maria will be retiring from the Department of Commerce after 32 years of public service. Upon retirement, she and Sam will focus on selling their home and relocating to the Asheville, North Carolina area, to be near his grandchildren, most likely by June 2025. Organizing the picnics, especially since relocating them from Villa Rosa in Mitchellville, Md., to public parks in Alexandria, has been a highlight of our involvement with the Society – an event that brings the Italian-American community together. Also, adding to the special nature of this year’s picnic was that my father and mother, Lucio and Edvige D’Andrea, were able to join us, thanks to my brother Paul who brought them. My parents are a very young 91 and 90 years, respectively. We took a moment of silence to honor the passing of two very important Society members: Omero Sabatini, a Past President of AMHS who passed away on March 5, 2024, at the age of 92; and Joseph D’Andrea, brother of Lucio, who passed away on December 23, 2023, at the age of 94. Both fine men left an indelible mark on AMHS.
As my husband and I bid “arrivederci” to Ferragosto, we trust the tradition will continue under “new management!”
AMHS President Emeritus Lucio D’Andrea and his wife, Edvige (seated), with, from left to right, David Ciummo, Macarena and Jeff Clark, Paul D’Andrea, and Albert Paolantonio.
Credit: Sam YothersTo find out more about the origins of Ferragosto, celebrated in Italy every year on August 15, and how it is celebrated, see 15th of August: origins and facts about the Italian Tradition of the “Ferragosto” | Visititaly.eu
September 2024
Italian and Italian-American Athletes Shine at 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris
By Joseph “Sonny” Scafetta, Jr.
The recently concluded Summer Olympics held in Paris for 19 days from July 26 through August 11 brought joy across national borders, as spectators thrilled to the accomplishments of the world’s greatest athletes. There were 329 events in 32 sports and 48 disciplines. The Olympians from Italy and Americans of Italian descent made a strong showing at the games.
Italy Wins 41 Medals in Paris
Italy won 41 medals in Paris. Of the 206 countries with National Olympic Committees which participated, 92 won at least one medal. Italy was seventh with 13 golds, 13 silvers, and 15 bronzes.
In team events, Italy won golds for women’s road cycling, men’s foil fencing, women’s épée fencing, and women’s volleyball. In individual events, Alice D’Amato won gold for women’s balance beam, Alice Bellandi won for women’s judo, Thomas Ceccon for men’s 100-meter (109 yards) back stroke, Nicolo Martinenghi for men’s 100-meter breast stroke, Giovanni de Gennaro for men’s kayaking, Ruggero Tita and Caterine Marianna Banti for mixed sailing, Diana Bacosi and Gabriele Rossetti for mixed skeet shooting, Marta Maggetti for women’s sailing, and Sara Errani and Jasmine Paolini for women’s tennis doubles. (Note that the length of one football field is 100 yards).
For silvers, Italy won team events in men’s foil fencing, women’s foil fencing, men’s road cycling, women’s artistic gymnastics, men’s light weight double sculling, and men’s quadruple sculling. In individual events, Filippo Ganna won for men’s time trial road cycling, Nadia Battocletti for women’s 10,000-meter (6.21 miles) running, Filippo Macchi for men’s foil fencing, Gregorio Paltrinieri for men’s 1,500-meter (.93 miles) free style swimming, Silvana Maria Stanco for women’s trap shooting, Federico Nilo Maldini for men’s ten-meter (10.9 yards) air pistol shooting, and Gabriele Casadei and Carlo Tacchini for men’s 500-meter (.31 miles) canoe sprint.
Italy won team bronzes for pursuit road cycling, women’s rhythmic gymnastics, and men’s four by 100-meter free style relay swimming. Individual bronzes were won by Mattia Furlani for men’s long jump, Andy Diaz Hernandez for men’s triple jump, Luigi Samele for men’s saber fencing, Sofia Raffaeli for women’s rhythmic gymnastics, Manila Esposito for women’s balance beam, Gregorio Paltrinieri for men’s 800-meter (half mile) free style swimming, Giorgio Malan for men’s pentathlon, Paolo Monna for men’s ten-meter air pistol shooting, Ginevra Taddeucci for women’s ten-kilometer (6.21 miles) open water swimming, Simone Alessio for men’s taekwondo, Antonino Pizzolato for men’s 89-kilogram (196 pounds) weight lifting, Lorenzo Musetti for men’s tennis.
Giovanni de Gennaro wins kayaking gold for Italy. (Credit: olympics.com) Gregorio Paltrinieri was the only Italian to win two medals, one silver and one bronze, both for swimming events.
Ten Italian Americans Win 12 Medals at 2024 Paris Olympics
Jennifer Valente captured two gold medals in track cycling for the USA. (Credit: Inside the Games) Ten Italian-American athletes, six women and four men, won a total of 12 medals-four gold, five silver, and three bronze-at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France. Their total was more than all but 15 countries and almost ten percent of the 126 medals won by the United States.
The Italian-American star was 29-year-old Jennifer Marie Valente, who won two golds: an individual in women’s omnium track cycling and another in women’s team pursuit track cycling. She won a gold in the omnium at Tokyo in 2020, a bronze in team pursuit at Tokyo in 2020, and a silver in team pursuit at Rio in 2016. She currently races for Team Blue Ridge in Virginia.
The next best performance was by the youngest Italian American, 21-year-old Christopher Guiliano, who won a gold in the four by 100-meter men’s freestyle relay swimming event and a silver in the four by 200-meter men’s freestyle relay swimming event. The 6’5” tall Guiliano swims for the University of Notre Dame.
The only other gold was won by the oldest competing Italian American, 42-year-old Diana Lorena Taurasi, as a member of the women’s basketball team. It was her sixth consecutive gold dating back to 2004 in Athens. She has played pro basketball for the Phoenix Mercury since 2004. Her Italian parents, Mario and Liliana, had emigrated from Argentina before she was born.
Blake John Pieroni, 29, also received a silver along with Guiliano in the four by 200-meter men’s freestyle relay swimming event. He previously won two golds at Tokyo in 2020 and one gold at Rio in 2016, all in men’s swimming events.
Sagen Maddalena, 31, won silver in the 50-meter rifle shooting from three positions for women. She is a U.S. Army sergeant shooting instructor and a member of the international team of the U.S. Army’s marksmanship unit.
Ruby Remati won a silver as a member of the women’s synchronized swimming team. The 22-year-old emigrated as a child with her Italian parents from Australia.
Lauren Nicole Carlini, 29, won a silver as a member of the women’s volleyball team. She was born in Geneva, Illinois, and grown up in nearby Aurora. Since she graduated from college in 2017, she has played for different teams in Europe. Her current club is Casal Maggiore in Italy.
Stephanie Rovetti, 32, won a bronze as a member of the women’s rugby seven team. In college, she was a basketball player, but switched to rugby in 2016 at age 24.
Torey James DeFalco won a bronze as a member of the men’s volleyball team. The 27-year-old is 6’6” tall. In June 2019, he signed his first pro contract to play for Volley Callipo in Italy.
Luca Cupido won a bronze as a member of the men’s water polo team. He was born in Italy and immigrated as a child with his parents to the United States. The 28-year-old is 6’4” tall.
September 2024