By Nancy DeSanti
A view of Villalago.
Credit: WikipediaProvince of L’Aquila, Region of Abruzzo
The very beautiful small town of Villalago is in the province of L’Aquila. It has approximately 616 inhabitants, known as Villalaghesi. It is one of I Borghi più belli d’Italia (The most beautiful villages of Italy). Situated in the interior of the Majella National Park, this charming destination offers to the visitors a glimpse of traditional life in the mountains, extraordinary natural beauty, and a rich cultural heritage.
The history of Villalago can be traced back to very ancient times, with evidence of the first settlements in the area. During the medieval period, the village developed as an agricultural and artisanal center, with the local population dedicated to farming, to fishing, and to the traditional crafts. Over the course of the centuries, the architecture and the culture of Villalago were shaped by diverse ruling families, among which were the D’Avalos and the Bourbons.
Villalago is in the interior of the majestic Majella National Park, noted for its rugged mountain landscapes, the pristine forests, and the diversified wildlife. The park offers excellent opportunities for excursions, trekking, and the exploration of nature.
Reaching Villalago, one runs immediately into the imposing Medieval Rock. One time it was a Lombard defensive bulwark, then returned to the community as the principal body of the fortress — the Baronal Palace, today the seat of the Museum of the Crafts that celebrates the rural Abruzzese tradition.
It merits surely a visit to the Church of the Madonna of Loreto that, with its Romanesque characteristics and the Baroque interior, is noted for works of sacred art and for the statue of Saint Dominic of Sora, patron saint of the nearby crystal-clear Lake of Saint Dominic.
The most notable natural marvels of Villalago are its lakes: Pio, Scanno, and San Domenico. The Lake Pio is particularly appreciated by the families, while the Lake Scanno is noted for its characteristic form of a heart, and the Lake San Domenico is an oasis of peace created by man. It invites every person to make regenerative walks and to enjoy panoramic contemplation.
The paths and the panoramas, that open along the shore of the lake or among the trails that lead to the peaks which overlook the town, are a true attraction for the lovers of trekking and naturalistic photography.
The food and the wine of Villalago, enriched by the bonds with the sheep raising and the agriculture, gives to the visitors a taste of the true soul of Abruzzo. Villalago offers a taste of the traditional Abruzzese cuisine, with plates based on ingredients of local origin, among which are herbs and cheeses from the mountains. Local products and ancient recipes, as “cazzelliti and beans” or “pacchiarozze” with sauce of lamb, reflect the simplicity and the goodness of the local products.
Villalago is noted also for its traditional crafts, among which are sculpture in wood and works in wrought iron.What to See
Hermitage of Saint Dominic
Church of the Madonna of Loreto
Church of Michael the ArchangelImportant Dates
- August 22 – Feast of Saint Dominic, Abbot, patron saint
- September 29 – Feast of Saint Michael
Tradotto da Ennio Di Tullio
Provincia di L’Aquila, Regione Abruzzo
La bellissima cittadina di Villalago è nella provincia dell’Aquila. Ha circa 616 abitanti, detti Villalaghesi. È uno dei Borghi più belli d’Italia (The most beautiful villages of Italy). Situata all’interno del Parco Nazionale della Majella, questa affascinante destinazione offre ai visitatori uno scorcio della tradizionale vita nelle montagne, straordinarie bellezze naturali, e un ricco patrimonio culturale.
La storia di Villalago può essere fatta risalire a tempi antichissimi, con testimonianze dei primi insediamenti nella zona. Durante il periodo medievale, il paese si sviluppò come un centro agricolo e artigianale, con la popolazione locale dedita all’agricoltura, alla pesca, e ai mestieri tradizionali. Nel corso dei secoli, l’architettura e la cultura di Villalago furono plasmate dalle diverse famiglie regnanti, tra cui erano i D’Avalos e i Borboni.
Villalago si trova all’interno del maestoso Parco Nazionale della Majella, noto per i suoi aspri paesaggi montani, le foreste incontaminate, e la diversificata fauna selvatica. Il parco offre eccellenti opportunità per escursioni, trekking ed l’esplorazione della natura.
Giungendo a Villalago, ci si imbatte subito nell’imponente Rocca Medievale. Un tempo era un baluardo difensivo longobardo, poi restituito alla comunità come il corpo principale della fortezza: il Palazzo Baronale, oggi la sede del Museo dei Mestieri che celebra la tradizione rurale abruzzese.
Merita sicuramente una visita alla Chiesa della Madonna di Loreto che, con le sue caratteristiche romaniche e l’interno barocco, è nota per opere d’arte sacra e per la statua di San Domenico di Sora, patrono del vicino cristallino
Lago di San Domenico.Le meraviglie naturali più notevoli di Villalago sono i suoi laghi: Pio, Scanno, e San Domenico. Il Lago Pio è particolarmente apprezzato dalle famiglie, mentre il Lago di Scanno è noto per la sua caratteristica forma a cuore e il Lago San Domenico è un’oasi di pace creata dall’uomo. Invita ogni persona a fare passeggiate rigeneranti e godere contemplazione panoramica.
I sentieri ed i panorami, che si aprono lungo la riva del lago o tra i sentieri che conducono alle vette che sovrastano il paese, sono una vera attrazione per gli amanti del trekking e la fotografia naturalistica.
Il cibo e il vino di Villalago, arricchita dal legame con la pastorizia e
l’agricoltura, regala ai visitatori un assaggio della vera anima dell’Abruzzo. Villalago offre un assaggio della cucina tradizionale abruzzese, con piatti a base di ingredienti di provenienza locale, tra cui sono erbe e formaggi dalle montagne. Prodotti locali e antiche ricette, come i “cazzelliti e fagioli” o le “pacchiarozze” con sugo di agnello, riflettono la semplicità e la bontà dei prodotti locali.Villalago è nota anche per i suoi mestieri tradizionali, tra cui sono sculture in legno e lavori in ferro battuto.
Attrazioni del luogo:
Eremo di San Domenico
Chiesa della Madonna di Loreto
Chiesa di Michele ArcangeloDate da ricordare:
22 agosto – Festa di San Domenico Abate, santo patrono
29 settembre – Festa di San MicheleNovember/December 2024
Siamo Una Famiglia
AMHS Participates in Columbus Day Ceremony
Teresa Talierco (above), a member of the AMHS Board of Directors, presented a wreath before the statue in front of Union Station on Columbus Day, 2024. The annual ceremony is hosted by the National Christopher Columbus Association of which the AMHS is a member organization. Besides Ms. Talierco, other AMHS members present were: President Christopher Rennecker, First Vice President Nancy DeSanti, Secretary Joseph Scafetta Jr.; and members Francesco Isgro’, Mary Ann Re, Jeff Clark, Macarena Clark, and Joseph Scafetta III.
(Credit: Joseph Scafetta, Jr.)Happy Hour at Bar Del Monte
On October 7, AMHS members enjoyed a Happy Hour at Bar Del Monte, a restaurant/bar in Mount Pleasant. The bar serves small plates, including arrosticini. From left, attendees were Chris Renneker, Roberta DiBiasi, Teresa Black, and a friend of AMHS, Mark Bush. (Credit: Maria D’Andrea-Yothers) Just Like Nonna
AMHS members who are also members of the Lucchesi nel Mondo/Tuscany Club, enjoyed an outing to AMHS member Eileen Verna’s house, where she hosted a Just Like Nonna cooking class. Oswaldo Barsi taught the group how to make homemade Pasta e Fagioli. AMHS members present included Maria D’Andrea-Yothers, Sam Yothers, Eileen Verna, Jeff Clark, Macarena Clark, Sarah Scott, Bob Tobias, Amy DiFiore, and Matteo DiFiore. A great time was had by all! (Courtesy of Maria D’Andrea-Yothers)
Briscola Games Underway at Casa Italiana
This fall, the once popular Circolo della Briscola was revived, as beginning and experienced players gathered in Casa Italiana for the re-start of the briscola games. The Circolo was popular for 25 years, and its members even won a tournament held in Italy — no mean feat!
Following an organizational meeting on September 15, 2024, the first game was held on October 2. Several AMHS members attended and those present agreed that it was an evening of fun and camaraderie.
Newcomers are welcomed and there will be experienced players to teach them this popular Italian card game. The next game will be held on Wednesday, December 4, at 7 p.m.
The effort to re-start the Circolo was the joint idea of AMHS President Chris Renneker, Dennis Santoli who helped to run the original Circolo, and Francesco Isgro’, President of the Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center.
So, come and bring your family members and friends! If you are interested in playing, please RSVP to Nancy DeSanti at ndesanti7@gmail.com. (By Nancy DeSanti)November/December 2024