March/April 2025
Notiziario Archives
View past issues of the Notiziario here.
Founded in 2000, the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area (AMHS) develops and promotes the cultural, social, and educational heritage of the Italian regions Abruzzo and Molise and of Italy. The AMHS Notizario is the group’s official publication.
Fondata nel 2000, l’Abruzzo e Molise Heritage Society of the Washington, DC Area (AMHS) sviluppa e promuove il patrimonio culturale, sociale ed educativo delle regioni italiane Abruzzo e Molise e dell’Italia. Il Notizario è la pubblicazione ufficiale del gruppo.
By joining AMHS, you will receive our free bi-monthly newsletter, the AMHS Notiziario. Issues prior to 2018 can be found under the Notizario Archives page.